(Under development) Gastronomic application to manage and keep track of recipes, orders and keep business accounting.
Feedback IT
Institutional website built with Gatsby, TailwindCSS and deployed on netlify.
Nahuel Krowicki
This site! My cv which is built with Gatsby, Sass, Bootstrap and deployed on netlify.
- JavaScript (ES6/+)
- HTML5 - CSS3, Styled-Components
- Gatsby (React framework), JAMStack
- React, Redux, Router, Context, Hooks, Redux-Form
- Rest Api's
- GraphQL
- Cms Headless
- Git
- Wordpress
- Linux: Debian/Ubuntu
We help and advise companies in creating digital strategies to achieve their goals by optimizing the digital sector, from their website and online advertising to the management and administration of their social media.
It analyst
Responsible for ensuring the correct functioning of computer equipment in branches and at headquarters.
Web Developer y Community Manager
Web Development. Social Network Management. Content creator and campaign management.
Repair technician and customer service
Technical support and attention to companies and individuals.
TypeScript, React JS, Gatsby y MERN
React Hooks. Context. Gatsby. GraphQL. Firestore. Redux. MERN. Next.js. Styled Components. Custom Hooks.
Technical networks and applications and wireless security. Linux and python. Governments and risks (APT and Cybersecurity). Cryptography and steganography. Forensic analysis of computer systems. Ethical hacking. Metasploit. Violation of identification and authentication mechanisms.
Digital Marketing
Digital marketing. Instagram Ads and Campaign Optimization. Strategy and Creation of Digital Content. Crisis Management in Social Networks. SEO: Search Engine Optimization.
FullStack Web Development
HTML5, CSS3, ES2015 y ES6. React. Redux. Babel. Webpack. Node. REST y RESTful. Express. SQL. Sequelize. Heroku. Firebase
Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
CUV: CER-QX5S6B2M-205668. Hacking and Penetration Testin. Footprinting and Reconnaissanc. Network Scannin. Enumeration and Cryptograph. System Hackin. Malwar. Sniffin. Social Engineerin. Denial of Service and Session Hijackin. Hacking Web Server. Hacking Web Application. SQL Injectio. Hacking Wireless Network. Hacking Mobile Platform. Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypot. Buffer Overflow
Configuration IOS (Netlaboraling Operating System). Network Protocols and Communication. Access to network. Ethernet. Network Layer. Transport Layer. IP Addressing (Version 4 and Version 6) Division into subnets of IP network addresses. OSI model / TCP/IP model. Approach to a LAN. Concepts and basic configuration of switches. VLANs. Routing concepts. Routing between VLANs. Static Routing. Dynamic Routing. Simple Area OSPF. Access control lists. DHCP. NAT (IP version 4). LAN Redundancy. Link Aggregation. Wireless LANs. Settings and troubleshooting in Single Area OSPF. Multiple Area OSPF. EIGRP. Advanced EIGRP settings and troubleshooting. IOS images and licenses. Hierarchical Network Design. Connecting to the WAN. Point to point connections. Frame Relay. NAT (IP version 4). Broadband solutions. Securing site-to-site connectivity. Network monitoring. Network troubleshooting
Operator, administrator, linux networks and ethical hacking
Installation of Debian GNU/Linux, runlevels, basic system commands, Vi text editor, packaging and file compression, package management, system processes. Compiling applications, user administration, Shell Scripting. Crontab/Anacrontab, Syslog. DHCP, DNS, SSH, FTP, Samba, Apache2, Postfix, Squid, IPTables. Ethical Hacking: Footprinting, System Hacking, Linux Hacking, Viruses, HIDS, NIDS, Social Engineering, Sniffers, Honeypots, Buffer Overflow, Cryptography, File System Encryption, Scanning, Hacking Web Servers, SQL Injection, Web Applications Vulnerabilities, DoS, Wireless networking.
Web Development University Technique
Abandoned due to the low level of education in the career. 9/20 Subjects approved: Basic Programming I, Basic Programming II, General Computer Science, Technical English I, Technical English II, General Mathematics, Database I, Web Programming I, Web Programming II.
Personal and professional computer technician: Networks
Specification in computer networks. End of course project: Design and installation of the network in the computer room of the Dorrego Institute in Morón.
- Spanish (Native)
- English (Intermediate)